What Are The 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD | Novel Mind & Wellness Center

What Are The 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD

What Are The 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we are committed to raising awareness and educating the public about the impact of emotional trauma, including Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Studies show that a mere 2-11% of individuals with trauma-related symptoms get diagnosed. This fact highlights how crucial it is to clear up misconceptions about trauma and its treatment, which can help lessen the shame linked to PTSD. 


PTSD signs show up within three months after a traumatic event, but sometimes they appear later. To be diagnosed with PTSD, these signs need to stick around for over a month and have an impact on everyday life, like job performance or close relationships. These symptoms can’t be chalked up to medications, drug use, or other health issues. How long PTSD symptoms last differs a lot from one person to another. Some bounce back in half a year, while others might struggle for years on end. 


Many people with PTSD also face other mental health challenges, including depression, substance use disorders, and anxiety. After a traumatic event, it is normal to experience some symptoms, such as feeling detached or as though the event happened to someone else. These feelings get better as time goes on, but if they stick around, it’s important to get some help.


The 17 Symptoms of PTSD include:


  1. Agitation
  2. Nervousness & Anxiety
  3. Problems with Concentration or Thinking
  4. Problems with Memory
  5. Headaches
  6. Depression & Crying Spells
  7. Suicidal Thoughts or Attempts
  8. Mood Swings
  9. Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies
  10. Panic Episodes
  11. Paranoia
  12. Shakiness
  13. Substance Abuse
  14. Flashbacks
  15. Hypervigilance
  16. Nightmares
  17. Sleep Disturbances


Each of these symptoms can negatively affect close relationships, self-esteem, and physical health. PTSD can develop after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event, such as military combat, sexual assault, a natural disaster, or a serious accident.


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we offer cutting-edge treatment options for PTSD, including ketamine therapy, particularly for patients resistant to conventional treatments like SSRIs, psychotherapy, and other forms of therapy. Ketamine has shown promising results in helping individuals who haven’t responded to traditional PTSD treatments. It can also be used for chronic pain conditions such as CRPS, neuropathy, cancer-related pain, and migraines.


If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of PTSD, we are here to help. Contact us to learn more about how ketamine infusions may be a beneficial treatment option for you.

How Long Does Ketamine Stay in Your System | Novel Mind & Wellness Center

How Long Does Ketamine Stay in Your System

How Long Does Ketamine Stay in Your System


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we understand that every patient’s journey with ketamine treatment is unique. The duration of ketamine’s presence in your system and the length of its effects can vary depending on several factors, including the purpose of the treatment, dosage, and individual patient characteristics.


Duration of Ketamine Treatment: For mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD, ketamine infusions typically last between 45 to 60 minutes. After the infusion, most patients return to their baseline state within about two hours. However, if you’re receiving ketamine treatment for chronic pain conditions like CRPS, neuropathy, or migraines, the infusion sessions may take longer—ranging from 2 to 4 hours—depending on the severity and nature of the pain.


How Long Ketamine Stays in Your System: The elimination of ketamine from the body varies from person to person. Factors such as age, body mass, metabolic rate, dosage, and the method of administration all play a role in how long ketamine stays in your system. In one study of hospitalized children who received ketamine as an anesthetic, the drug was detectable in urine for up to 11 days after administration, and its metabolites were present for up to 14 days. However, these timelines may differ in adults and depending on the specific use case of ketamine. Additionally, recognizing the difference between detecting it in the body versus feeling its’ effects is also important to note.


Ketamine Treatment Frequency and Side Effects: Unlike many other psychiatric medications that require daily administration, ketamine treatments are less frequent, reducing the likelihood of side effects. Typically, patients start with weekly sessions during an initial six-session program. Following this, they may transition to less frequent sessions in subsequent programs. Clinical trials have shown that an initial course of 4-6 ketamine infusions, administered twice weekly, can produce antidepressant effects that last for weeks or even months.


The Experience at Novel Mind & Wellness Center: At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, our approach to ketamine therapy is gentle and carefully monitored. Patients are gradually brought into the experience, with a smooth transition back to normal consciousness around 60 minutes after the infusion ends. We prioritize your safety and well-being, ensuring that each treatment session is tailored to your specific needs.


If you’re considering ketamine therapy for treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, or chronic pain, contact us today to learn more. Our clinic in Tallahassee, FL, is dedicated to providing you with compassionate, personalized care throughout your journey to mental and physical wellness.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Each individual’s response to ketamine treatment may vary, and it is important to consult with the Novel Mind & Wellness Center to determine the most appropriate duration for your specific needs.

what to expect after ketamine treatment for depression | Novel Mind & Wellness Center

What To Expect After Ketamine Treatment For Depression

What To Expect After Ketamine Treatment For Depression?


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we prioritize your well-being before, during, and after your ketamine treatment for depression. Understanding what to expect after your sessions can help you navigate the process and maximize the benefits of this innovative therapy.


Post-Treatment Awareness: After your ketamine infusions, paying close attention to your mind and body is crucial. Monitoring how you feel can help you and your provider understand how your body is responding to the treatment. You might notice changes in your symptoms, and discussing these with your provider is essential for maintaining the positive effects of the therapy. Communication with your provider allows them to tailor your ongoing care, ensuring that any potential triggers are addressed, and your progress is supported.


Embrace Your Authentic Experience: It’s important to honor how your body and mind respond after treatment. Avoid pressuring yourself to feel a certain way, as everyone’s journey is unique. Whether you experience a clearer head, a quieter mind, an improved mood, increased interest in activities, or better sleep, these are all signs of a successful outcome. Remember, your feelings are valid, and at Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we aim to create a safe and supportive environment for you throughout your treatment.


Ongoing Monitoring and Communication: In the weeks or even hours following your ketamine infusions, it’s vital to keep track of any changes in mood, behavior, or symptoms. Regular communication with your provider is key—they may need to adjust your treatment plan to suit your evolving needs. While ketamine infusions can offer significant relief, they are often used as a short-term treatment option, and additional sessions might be necessary to maintain their positive effects. Some examples of these effects might be: a clearer and quieter mind, mood boosting, improved sleep, and more interest in daily activities. 


Tailored Treatment Plans: At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we recognize that every patient’s journey is unique. We generally recommend a course of six ketamine infusions over 2-3 weeks for those diagnosed with depression. However, the exact number of treatments may vary based on individual circumstances. Our primary goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment where you can explore your emotions, gain insights, and potentially find relief from conditions such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.


Your Path to Well-Being: If you or a loved one is suffering from treatment-resistant depression, ketamine therapy at our Tallahassee, FL clinic may offer the breakthrough you need. Our highly trained professionals are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your treatment is conducted safely and ethically. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how ketamine therapy can help you on your journey to mental well-being.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Each individual’s condition is unique, and it is important to consult with a Novel Mind & Wellness Center to determine the optimal number of ketamine treatments for your specific situation.

How Fast Does Ketamine Work For Anxiety | Novel Mind & Wellness Center

How Fast Does Ketamine Work For Anxiety

How Fast Does Ketamine Work For Anxiety?


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we understand the profound impact anxiety can have on your life. Our mission is to provide innovative, effective treatments in a safe and comforting environment. One such treatment is ketamine therapy, which has shown promising results in alleviating anxiety symptoms rapidly.


Understanding the Assessment Process

Before starting ketamine therapy, we conduct a thorough assessment to determine the appropriate dosage and treatment plan tailored to your needs. This process begins with you filling out a screening form that provides essential information about your medical history and current condition.

Following the screening, we conduct an initial consultation, either over the phone or in person. This allows us to understand your unique needs and assess whether ketamine infusions are a suitable treatment option for you. Based on this assessment, we can determine the number of sessions needed. For patients diagnosed with anxiety, we typically recommend a course of six ketamine infusions over 2-3 weeks.


Rapid Relief from Anxiety Symptoms

Ketamine infusions can begin alleviating feelings of panic, dread, or phobia within 24 hours. Research supports the rapid efficacy of ketamine in reducing anxiety symptoms. For instance, one study found that 83% of participants with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder reported reduced anxiety symptoms within just one hour of receiving subcutaneous ketamine treatments. Another study involving people with social anxiety revealed that those who received ketamine infusions experienced significantly greater improvements in their symptoms compared to those who received a placebo.


How Ketamine Works

Glutamate, one of the brain’s chemical messengers, plays a crucial role in mood regulation, memory, and learning. Ketamine works by increasing glutamate levels, which supports neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to adapt and change with every new experience. By enhancing neuroplasticity, ketamine may help “re-wire” your brain, disrupting harmful thought patterns and allowing you to form new, more positive pathways. This process can significantly relieve anxiety symptoms, providing a foundation for long-lasting improvements.


Personalized Care at Novel Mind & Wellness Center

Our goal at Novel Mind & Wellness Center is to provide ongoing support and personalized care to help you achieve lasting relief from anxiety. Our clinic in Tallahassee, Florida, is dedicated to offering safe and supervised ketamine treatments. We understand that each individual’s experience with anxiety is unique, and we are here to guide you through your treatment journey with compassion and expertise.


Contact Us Today

If you are struggling with anxiety and traditional treatments have not provided the relief you need, ketamine therapy might be an effective alternative. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how ketamine therapy can help you find relief from anxiety.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.


Can Ketamine Cause Panic Attacks | Novel Mind & Wellness Center

Can Ketamine Cause Panic Attacks

Can Ketamine Cause Panic Attacks? 


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we are committed to providing innovative and effective treatments for mental health disorders. One of the treatments we offer is ketamine therapy, known for its rapid antidepressant effects. However, as with any treatment, it’s important to understand both the benefits and potential side effects. One question that often arises is whether ketamine can cause panic attacks.

Ketamine’s Rapid Antidepressant Effects


Ketamine therapy has shown remarkable results in treating depression. Studies have demonstrated that the antidepressant effects of a single dose of ketamine can be observed within four hours, with peak effects at 24 hours lasting for several days. Repeated administrations of ketamine can prolong these antidepressant effects and are generally well tolerated. A rapid response to the first ketamine infusion is often predictive of a sustained antidepressant effect after a series of infusions.

Acute Psychological Side Effects of Ketamine


Despite its benefits, ketamine can cause acute psychological side effects. Typical side effects of intravenous ketamine administration (0.5 mg/kg over 40 minutes) include transient perceptual disturbances, experiences of dissociation (such as depersonalization or derealization), euphoria, and anxiety. These effects usually subside within several minutes after stopping the infusion and fully remit within two hours.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety is one of the potential side effects of ketamine, and in some cases, this anxiety can manifest as panic attacks. A study showed that anxiety-related experiences induced by ketamine were significantly higher in non-responders to the treatment. The study also found that the percentage reduction in the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) after four hours and individual levels of ketamine-induced anxiety were predictive of a response at the end of treatment. This highlights the importance of considering patients’ subjective experiences with ketamine.

Ketamine for Treating Anxiety


Interestingly, ketamine is also being explored as a treatment for anxiety. An increasing number of experts believe that ketamine might be an effective alternative for treating anxiety that doesn’t respond to other treatments. Although the FDA has only approved a particular form of ketamine for treatment-resistant depression, doctors may prescribe ketamine “off-label” to treat anxiety.

A 2022 review found that single-dose ketamine infusions reduced panic, irritability, and other anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder. Higher doses of ketamine were more effective than lower doses, and the anxiety-reducing effects lasted up to two weeks.

Individualized Care at Novel Mind & Wellness Center


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we understand that every patient is unique, and responses to ketamine therapy can vary greatly. Determining the predictability of panic attacks from ketamine is not possible for everyone, as individual experiences differ. Our approach involves thorough assessments by our qualified healthcare providers to determine if ketamine therapy is appropriate for each individual.


We strive to provide the best individualized care, considering both the potential benefits and risks of ketamine therapy. If you have any questions about ketamine therapy or would like to know more about how it could help with your condition, please contact us. Our team is here to provide the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your mental health and well-being.


Does Ketamine Help Schizophrenia | Novel Mind and Wellness Center

Does Ketamine Help Schizophrenia

Does Ketamine Help Schizophrenia?


At Novel Mind and Wellness Center, we specialize in providing innovative treatments for various mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes that resist conventional therapies. Our clinic is dedicated to creating a safe and comforting environment for our patients, offering customized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. One of the groundbreaking treatments we offer is ketamine therapy. While ketamine has shown promise for conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain, its use for schizophrenia is a complex and debated topic.

Ketamine Therapy: An Overview


Ketamine therapy has emerged as a revolutionary approach for treating several mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes. Our approach at Novel Mind and Wellness Center involves the use of ketamine and IV vitamin treatments to address a range of conditions, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Chronic pain syndromes
  • Migraines
  • Neuropathy
  • Cancer-related pain
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

While ketamine has demonstrated effectiveness in these areas, it’s crucial to understand that it may not be suitable for everyone.

Ketamine and Schizophrenia: Potential Risks


Understanding the Risks

Individuals with a history of psychosis, such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, may not be ideal candidates for ketamine therapy. Ketamine’s hallucinogenic properties can potentially exacerbate psychotic symptoms, posing a risk for those with psychotic disorders.

Research Findings

There are studies both supporting and refuting the use of ketamine for individuals with schizophrenia. Some research suggests that ketamine could have adverse effects on people with schizophrenia, potentially triggering or worsening psychotic episodes. Experts caution that the risk of psychedelics, including ketamine, triggering a psychotic or manic episode is likely elevated for individuals with a personal or family history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Professional Assessment

A thorough assessment by a qualified healthcare provider is essential to determine if ketamine therapy is appropriate for an individual. This assessment will consider the patient’s medical history, current condition, and treatment goals to ensure the safest and most effective treatment plan.

Ensuring Safe and Effective Treatment


At Novel Mind and Wellness Center, our team comprises a board-certified physician medical director, CRNA, and registered nurse, all with extensive clinical experience. We prioritize patient safety and comfort, ensuring that each treatment plan is tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients.

Customized Treatment Plans

We recognize that every patient is different, and we are committed to providing personalized care. Our comprehensive assessments help us determine the best course of treatment for each individual, considering their medical history and specific conditions.

Monitoring and Support

Throughout the treatment process, our team closely monitors each patient’s response to ketamine therapy, ensuring that any potential side effects are managed promptly and effectively. Our goal is to provide relief from treatment-resistant conditions while maintaining the highest standards of patient care.


Ketamine therapy has shown great promise in treating a variety of mental health disorders and chronic pain conditions. However, it is not suitable for everyone, particularly those with a history of psychosis, such as schizophrenia. At Novel Mind and Wellness Center, we emphasize the importance of a thorough assessment by a qualified healthcare provider to determine individual candidacy for ketamine therapy.

How Does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work | Novel Mind Center

How Does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work

How Does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work?

At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we are dedicated to creating a safe and comforting environment where patients receive customized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs. Our clinic leverages our medical expertise and novel treatment modalities, such as ketamine, to address treatment-resistant mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain syndromes such as CRPS, neuropathy, cancer-related pain, and migraines.


Understanding Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative approach that combines the administration of ketamine with therapeutic interventions. This treatment modality leverages the unique properties of ketamine to enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy. But exactly how does ketamine-assisted psychotherapy work within the brain to provide these benefits?


The Science Behind Ketamine’s Mechanism

Ketamine operates at the core of our brain’s communication system by influencing certain molecules that significantly impact neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways throughout life.


Neuronal Communication and Neuroplasticity

Our brain consists of billions of neurons, which communicate with each other billions of times each day. This communication occurs through molecules called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters travel across tiny gaps known as synaptic clefts, binding to receptors on neighboring neurons. This binding process allows signals to propagate from one neuron to the next, enabling complex brain functions.


The Role of Glutamate in Neuroplasticity

Ketamine works by increasing levels of a neurotransmitter called glutamate. Glutamate is crucial for neuroplasticity, as it facilitates the formation of new neuronal connections. Under prolonged stress, neurons can shrink, reducing their ability to communicate effectively. This phenomenon is often observed in individuals with common mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, who tend to have lower glutamate levels.

When patients receive repeated ketamine treatments, glutamate levels surge, helping to restore neuronal communication and enhancing overall neuroplasticity. This process can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by promoting healthier brain function.


Ketamine’s Historical Context and Research

Discovered in the 1960s, ketamine was initially recognized for its role in triggering glutamate release. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s that researchers began to explore the connection between neurotransmitter levels, including glutamate, and depressive symptoms. Early research at Yale University revealed that small doses of ketamine could produce remarkably positive results in patients with mood disorders. Since then, numerous studies have confirmed ketamine’s potential in improving mood disorders, and ongoing research continues to uncover new insights.


Ketamine’s Effects on Pain and Inflammation

Beyond its impact on mood disorders, ketamine also influences pain perception and inflammation. At low doses, ketamine inhibits a receptor on neurons called NMDA, which plays a role in amplifying pain signals. By inhibiting this receptor, ketamine can reduce pain signals in the brain. Additionally, ketamine interacts with certain opioid receptors and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, further contributing to its pain-relieving effects.


Experience the Benefits of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy at Novel Mind & Wellness Center in Tallahassee, FL


Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy offers a promising approach to treating treatment-resistant mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes. At Novel Mind & Wellness Center in Tallahassee, FL, our experienced team consists of a board-certified physician medical director, a CRNA, and a registered nurse, all with extensive real-world clinical experience who are committed to providing safe and effective ketamine treatments tailored to your unique needs. If you’re seeking relief from depression, anxiety, PTSD, or chronic pain, contact us to learn more about how ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can help you achieve better mental and physical health.

Why Does Ketamine Increase Blood Pressure | Novel Mind Center

Why Does Ketamine Increase Blood Pressure?

Why Does Ketamine Increase Blood Pressure?


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we specialize in innovative treatments for treatment-resistant mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes. One of the treatments we offer is ketamine therapy, which has shown great promise in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. However, it’s essential to understand some of the side effects, such as the increase in blood pressure, associated with ketamine.


Understanding Ketamine’s Effect on Blood Pressure


Sympathetic Activity and Cardiovascular Changes

Ketamine can cause mild to moderate, temporary increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output. These changes occur because ketamine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. When this system is activated, it can lead to increased heart activity and blood flow, resulting in elevated blood pressure.


Implications for Patients with Cardiac Conditions

For individuals with underlying heart conditions, the increase in blood pressure and heart rate could potentially lead to higher oxygen demand by the heart muscle, which may exacerbate their condition. Therefore, it’s crucial to use the lowest effective dose of ketamine and/or monitor closely to achieve the desired sedation while minimizing these cardiovascular effects.


Safety and Efficacy of Ketamine in Procedural Sedation

Despite these concerns, studies have shown that ketamine remains a safe option for procedural sedation. In a small study conducted at a single site, no significant evidence of heart-related issues (myocardial ischemia) was observed when ketamine was used for sedation. This indicates that, with appropriate monitoring and dosing, ketamine can be safely administered even in patients undergoing medical procedures.


Ketamine in Psychiatric Treatment

Monitoring and Managing Blood Pressure

Ketamine’s use has expanded beyond procedural sedation to treat various psychiatric conditions, such as treatment-resistant depression. Current guidelines for administering intravenous ketamine for depression include regular monitoring of blood pressure and managing any temporary increases in blood pressure that may occur during the infusion. These precautions are essential to ensure patient safety and should align with best practices in hypertension management.


Addressing Safety Concerns

Ketamine treatment does come with some known safety concerns, which include the potential for abuse and misuse, psychiatric side effects, respiratory depression (slowed breathing), and urinary tract issues. By adhering to established protocols and updating them based on best practice guidelines, healthcare providers can make ketamine treatment more accessible and safer for patients.


Ensuring Safe and Effective Treatment at Novel Mind & Wellness Center


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center in Tallahassee, FL, we are committed to providing safe and effective ketamine treatments for our patients. Our team of experienced professionals carefully monitors each patient’s response to ketamine infusions, including their blood pressure, to ensure the highest standards of care.

If you have any questions about ketamine therapy or would like to know more about how it could help with your condition, please contact us. We are here to provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your mental health and well-being.

Stellate Ganglion Block | Novel Mind Center

Stellate Ganglion Block

Understanding Stellate Ganglion Block: A Promising Intervention at Novel Mind & Wellness Center in Tallahassee, FL


At Novel Mind & Wellness Center, we are committed to providing safe and medically supervised treatments to address a myriad of mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes resistant to conventional therapies. Our focus on creating a safe and comforting environment, along with customized treatment plans, extends to innovative procedures like the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB), which has shown remarkable promise in relieving symptoms of emotional trauma and psychological disorders.


What is Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)?

Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) is a procedure in which a local anesthetic is injected next to the stellate ganglion, a collection of sympathetic nerves located in the neck. These nerves play a crucial role in regulating involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating. Traditionally recognized as an FDA-approved pain-relieving treatment, SGB has gained attention for its off-label use in treating symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.


How Does SGB Work?

SGB helps regulate the brain’s overactive sympathetic nervous system and “reset” the “fight-or-flight” response to its baseline. By administering local anesthetic near the stellate ganglion, SGB aims to temporarily block or “turn off” the nerves, helping restore normal biological functions. This intervention has shown promising results in alleviating symptoms of trauma, even in severe cases.


Benefits of SGB Treatment

Patients undergoing Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) have reported numerous benefits, including:

  • Better sleep
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Decrease in anxiety, panic attacks, and depression
  • Enhanced ability to connect with others
  • Reduction in jumpiness or nervousness
  • Improved intimacy
  • Alleviation of PTSD symptoms, impulsivity, concentration, and sexual function


The Procedure Explained

During the procedure, injections are administered on one side of the neck to relieve symptoms of emotional trauma. The localized administration of the anesthetic helps target the sympathetic nerves, providing relief from chronic neuropathic pain conditions and sympathetically mediated pain (SMP).


How SGB Can Help with Long COVID Symptoms

Individuals experiencing long COVID may develop dysautonomia, or dysfunction of the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to symptoms such as digestive issues, blood pressure fluctuations, and sweating abnormalities. SGB offers a potential solution by temporarily blocking the affected nerves, helping restore normal biological functions and alleviate symptoms associated with dysautonomia.

Why Does Ketamine Help Chronic Pain | Novel Mind Center

Why Does Ketamine Help Chronic Pain

Why Does Ketamine Help Chronic Pain: Unveiling the Neuroplasticity Connection

Chronic pain and mental health disorders often intertwine, creating a challenging cycle that many individuals find difficult to break. Novel Mind & Wellness Center specializes in providing safe and medically supervised ketamine treatments designed to address both treatment-resistant mental health disorders and chronic pain syndromes that have not responded to conventional therapies.


The Unique Role of Ketamine in Breaking the Cycle

Why Does Ketamine Help Chronic Pain? Ketamine has emerged as a remarkable solution for individuals struggling with chronic pain and mental health issues that have not found success with other treatment modalities. Our clinic prioritizes creating a safe and comforting environment, offering customized treatment plans tailored to our patients’ needs.


Understanding Ketamine’s Mechanism of Action

Ketamine works in a unique way by interacting with neurotransmitters in the brain, promoting neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways. This property is particularly valuable in breaking the cycle of chronic pain and mental health disorders.

In the intricate web of our brain’s communication system, billions of neurons constantly make connections and communicate through neurotransmitters. Ketamine, by increasing a neurotransmitter called glutamate, plays a significant role in neuroplasticity by facilitating the formation of new connections between neurons.


The Role of Glutamate in Neuroplasticity

Under prolonged stress, neurons can shrink over time, leading to decreased responsiveness to other neurons. This phenomenon is often observed in patients suffering from common mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, contributing to lower glutamate levels.

Repeated ketamine treatments trigger a surge in glutamate levels, prompting neurons to restore their communication pathways and enhancing the brain’s neuroplasticity. This restoration process is crucial in improving the overall mental health and well-being of individuals experiencing chronic pain and mental health challenges.


Ketamine’s Impact on Opiate Receptors and Pain

Ketamine’s effectiveness in pain relief is not limited to its role in neuroplasticity. The treatment also interacts with opiate receptors and demonstrates a role in neuronal pain modulation.

At low doses, ketamine inhibits NMDA receptors on neurons, which amplify pain signals. By inhibiting this receptor, ketamine effectively reduces pain signals in the brain. Additionally, ketamine interacts with certain opioid receptors and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, further contributing to its pain-relieving effects.


A Qualified Approach to Ketamine Therapy

It’s essential to emphasize that ketamine treatment may not be suitable for everyone. Qualified healthcare providers at our center conduct thorough assessments to determine the appropriateness of ketamine therapy for specific individuals.

Ketamine treatment should always be administered by trained medical professionals in a controlled clinical setting. Our healthcare providers carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each individual before recommending ketamine therapy.


Reach Out for Support

If you are experiencing symptoms of chronic pain or mental health disorders resistant to conventional treatments, Novel Mind & Wellness Center is here to help. Contact us for more information and to explore whether ketamine infusions are a suitable and effective treatment option for you. Your well-being is our priority, and we are dedicated to supporting you on your journey to relief and recovery.

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